« Tagged great white shark returns from Hawaii, now off Santa Barbara | Main | Great white shark examines Cape Cod researchers' video camera »

Jul 03, 2019


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Kevin Schwartz

I'm the hiker. How old do you say the bear was? If he/she would have been two or three years older what would have been different??? You journalist and photographer's seem to know a lot about these bears. BTW I met this photographer and he knows he met me at the lake when I gave him and his girlfriend a tip on the waterfall. When they saw me later and thanked me for the tip they never mentioned to me they had photos of me and the bear. They did ask me if , " are you the guy who was in front of the bear". Anyway, I've hiked and fished with these bears in Alaska and they are not man eaters. Feel free to reach out if you want more info.

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