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May 10, 2016


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Most people are unaware how old these fish are, or actually how young. A 430lb fish might only be 8-9 years old. Yellowfin don't get this size usually because they metabolize their food faster than they can eat it, so this fish was living on borrowed time as it was. Additionally, it is a male, as are all YFT this size, so it doesn't hurt the breeding stock to take it.

Captain JJ Fin 'SYDNEY'S WAY' Oceanside. Ca

Robert call me here in US it's ur old Amigo from Mauritius/Soith Africa from Ray (760)214-4113


It's really sad that this fish has survived to grow this large and you couldn't do a catch and release so that this wonder continues to live.

Dany Z

It doesn't say it was caught in CSL, is says CSL angler, which means the fisherman was from Cabo San Lucas.


My name is Jonnathan and i´m from Loreto Baja California Sur. Loreto is 540 km far away from Cabo. This fish was caught in Loreto NO in Cabo.


This fish was not caught off Cabo San Lucas.


Where is the Pisces Collection Lodge on the Sea of Cortez?

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