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Jun 02, 2015


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Pete Thomas

Lupe, you should be OK. The storm is moving more to the west now. Do some checking, but I think you will be fine if you don't mind some rain. But the storm is not supposed to come ashore in Cabo. By the look of things, you should be able to enjoy your vacation. But check the latest weather forecasts!


We have a flight set to Saturday for 7 days in cabo we are going to call tomorrow to change plans if possible what dies it look like there in cabo at this point don't want go out ourselves in danger

Pete Thomas

Umesh, the storm should be long gone by June 11. Salvador, best to check with the locals. Storm path now looks like it will skirt Cabo, missing it to the west, and delivering only rain and maybe wind. Still no coastal warnings in effect.


I'm flying there next Thursday on June 11th for few days. Should I change my

Salvador Castellanos

Currently in cabo until Sunday, should i get a flight out before the hurrican or just stay and hope there isnt one? Help!

Darla Lyons

Praying for a change in trajectory. I love Cabo.

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