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Jun 13, 2014


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Julia LeClair

It's a great article except one TINY incident in the Pacific that always seems to be left out: The three year's worth of EXTREMELY RADIATED POISONOUS WATER that is STILL pouring through and out of Fukushima in Japan.
Anyone who has any common sense should at least acknowledge that this disaster IS impacting the oceans (AND US, especially those of us on the West Coast).
We began breathing that poison about 3 days after it happened in Mar
ch of 2011.
They might say that the releases will dilute in the vast Pacific Ocean, but common sense says once again that this is bull...it just begins to bio-accumulate then continues to magnify in increasing amounts each time it is ingested by the next trophic level; we are the the top level; the last species to ingest it, receiveing doses of the poisons "that pose no risk". But yet again, common sense says that any radiation is detrimental to organisms health.
Plus, trying to compare unnatural releases of manmade nuclides from nuclear power plants to the K-40 found naturally in bananas is absurd...Our body's have had quite some time to accommodate to this.
I feel that is what is influencing the behavior of the animals more than anything else. Unfortunaltely, we have destroyed what future we would have had left.
Very discouraging to think that a species could be so... I don't even now how to describe our actions.

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