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Mar 07, 2014


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As long as humans FEEL good than we can justify killing anything? Start looking after our nature and remember... if you want to swim and are too scared because of the sharks, go to a swimming pool. If you want to surf but cant because of the sharks, don't surf! Its their sea not ours!

Fred flinstone

Humans be crazy. Bless them.


Kill or remove any animal that possess risk to humans is common . A dingo, lion, horse, elephant, deer and pigs to name a few. Even the humble goat can be removed if posing a risk to hikers on a trail.. So let's get real a 11ft great white near a contest ... Removal would make all feel superficially safer. All animals equal and sharks are no different to your pit bull when around children.


Evil sharks always invading our territory and attacking every human they see.

What the fuck is wrong with you, if a shark bites you, bad luck, chances are higher for anyone reading this to fall of their chair and break their necks than get attacked.

But hey, just to be safe, lets shoot all those damn lions, they might hurt the joggers.

Mike Anderson

Dave Prodan is a good dude.

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