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Jan 13, 2014


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Having seen Killer Whales off Cabo myself, I can attest to the wonder.

However, it is absolutely shortsighted to underestimate the integral role captive Killer Whales play as an ambassador for the species and, indeed, ALL marine life that is under threat from climate change, commercial fishing and industrial pollution.

Perhaps the fact that Killer Whales in the wild are the most toxic animals on Earth can be leveraged to open people's eyes about how industrial pollution defiles the entire FOOD CHAIN we share.

In this regard, "fracking" in CA should be ENJOINED.

(see, e.g., 'Gasland' documentary)

What a travesty of justice.

Kenneth Carroll

This video shows how Orcas should be viewed by the pubic, with the Orca free and wild and with its other family members, instead of being confined in a small concrete pool at Sea World.

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