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Dec 24, 2013


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Mia Orgt

I'm pretty convinced that transient orcas should definitely never have been captivated- it's odd that when looking at the attacks nearly all of them were full blooded transient or of that lineage.

Though I'm not sure any orcas or dolphins for that matter should be in captivity... what's wrong with people going to see them in the wild?

Jorge Cazenave

I had a similar experience with dolphins last week, in Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina: see link to photos:http://www.photoblog.com/jorgecaze/2013/12/25/

Captivity should be banned!!!

Michele bollo

Nothing like Sea World, this was an encounter, there was context, the activities of a family intact and exuberant and making their own choices. They didn't need antibiotics, or tranquilizer or trainers. You were visitors in their realm and there was educational value. They play. They are joyful. They are free.

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