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Apr 18, 2013


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But yes sicerly if you caught a marlin like the one in this picture dont kill him this is a sport make the catch and realese, take pictures, video whatever you want but dont kill him


That is HUGE and awesome


I wonder how old he/she was? Incredible creature. I caught and mounted a golden hammerhead in 1977. Still have regrets about taking it's life.

Teresa Wagner

Legal or not, it is tragic and sad that this woman and others find satisfaction in killing ocean life for nothing more than their own ego. This Marlin is spectacular, or was, and will now be nothing more than a trophy for this woman, while the ocean has been robbed of yet another of its creatures. Rather than killing animals for "sport", for fun and for "feeling so much happiness" as this woman did after murdering this beautiful fish, maybe those who do so could take up photography and learn to appreciate the beauty and awe of those who live in the ocean. Photos of live animals inspire and allow life in the oceans to continue. Photos of animals dead at the hands of humans are sad and grotesque. Let's enjoy nature, not rape it.

Pete Thomas

Deborah, I merely wrote about this catch being a potential world record. I didn't promote anything. That said, most billfish anglers are conservation oriented and practice catch and release, while long-liners and their indiscriminate gear are the major threat to the species. Thankfully, Hawaii recently protected much of its waters against that much larger threat. Perhaps I should have put something along these lines in the story.

Pete Thomas

Jennifer, I did not glorify the catch. Nor did I inject my opinion one way or another. I would have released this marlin, but I'm not going to attack this woman for legally keeping one fish because it might be a world record. In the story the captain says he usually practices catch-and-release, but made an exception here. I'm dead against shark finning and unregulated slaughter by commercial gill-net and long-line fishermen, which are the real threats to the fisheries. But I'm not against sport anglers keeping an occasional fish if it's within the law, which was the case here. Thankfully, most billfish anglers, including this woman, practice catch-and-release almost 100% of the time.

Deborah Bluangel

Once again Pete Thomas Outdoors are promoting ego-driven, selfish killing of our oceans' wildlife. Would like to see more catch and release, guys...this is unacceptable.
IUCN have listed this species as vulnerable to extinction and here you are celebrating it's death.
As for the comment of it not going to waste...huh? This animal was important to keep the species healthy and abundant, the smaller the populations are, the smaller the gene pool is.


Under the header of your site you mention "with special emphasis on ocean issues"...obviously you are not meaning important ocean issues like the status of the many species living there or the fact that we're depleting the oceans. I find it sickening that you are glorifying the death of this magnificent creature that had more value alive, keeping our oceans healthy.
I would hope that in the future you might think more about supporting/promoting catch and release events. The oceans are not just here for us to use and abuse.
thanks for your time.

Scott Seward


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