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Oct 10, 2012


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That was truly and amazing thing to watch. I didn't even mind the wait.It actually made the jump more suspenseful.I made some memes to celebrate his and Red Bull's achievement

Part 1: .http://cmemes.com/felix/

Part 2: http://cmemes.com/felix-baumgartner-jump-landing-memes-part-2/ (Updated)


My Pleasure, Cant wait for the jump/fall. :)

Pete Thomas

Thanks, Russ. I just made the fix.


"--Image showing Felix Baumgartner during a test jump from a helicopter in June is courtesy of Red Bull"

Sure looks like a plane to me :)

Felix Baumgarten

Checkout the newest NEWS on the Space Jump of Felix Baumgarten and the Red Bull Stratos Team on http://red-bull-stratos-felix-baumgartner.blogspot.com


God spared this man's life twice. But man has free will; if he is determined to break his neck, and die he will do it, no matter what.

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