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Jul 12, 2012


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Kat Brennan

I don't know if I would let my 11 year old catch wild snakes. It would be dangerous even if it was legal and he used snake tongs. I would tell him that garden snakes are fine but to leave the big snakes alone.


First off i am all for studying and observing all types of species of snakes and lizards etc. But removing them from there natural environment is some what wrong. iv done my share of catching snakes and keeping them as pets. The truth is that they aren't meant to be pets. If a snake or lizard is what you want, go to a reptile super show, they have just about anything you are looking for and start breeding Ur own and making a profit if anything. Also, if you obtain a animal from the wild return it exactly where you got it. Personally i would want my great grand-kids to be able to go out and catch a beautiful rosy boa, or just your normal basic gopher snake and observe its beauty and return it so there kids can be able to experience that same feeling. I have never had the opertunity to find a rosy because of the people that find them and keep them. Even tho the law says u can keep and breed rosy boas. I some what agree with that because they are a declining species, but still they belong in the wild. I've had my share of wild caught snakes that die because of the stress that endures from being kept in a cage. My point is, that its just not right, no matter how interested you are. Return them to the wild. Or take a picture and release it right away, help preserve the natural wildlife.

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