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Jun 21, 2012


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Having been a fan of June Lake for so many years, and traveling to the area to enjoy all seasons from Southern Cal, it was quite disheartening to hear the news that Mammoth Mtn. Inc. was going to close down June Mtn. The town is so strongly tied to the winter activities, so to close down the biggest and most lucrative of them is potentially devastating to all. We have talked for years about ways to market the town, to draw people up there to experience its beauty. The town wants to remain small and family-like, but it needs more traffic to survive this. How can both sides of this, respecting the nature and tone that identifies June for what it is and to create enough economy to keep it viable and alive, be brought together into one cohesive plan for the area?


The people in Mono and Inyo Counties' small towns, now including local schools and businesses and county supervisors – surprised by this unexpected corporate news last week -- have started mobilizing quickly to try to keep June Mountain open, under different business models than Mammoth Mountain (now owned by external financial groups) had tried.

Their goal is to prevent the tiny-towns, including June Lake and elsewhere in Mono County, from disappearing, because their wintertime social fabric has been so closely tied to June Mountain for nearly 50 years. Community ideas include creating a local community-run operation like Mad River Glen resort in Vermont, or other models. But this is only viable if the corporation running Mammoth Mountain Inc. now will actually consider and allow it (and perhaps even invest in it), rather than just shutting June Mountain immediately. The people in Mono County’s small towns are seeking input and show of support from others throughout California too.


http://www.change.org/petitions/give-it-back-to-the-town please sign and share!

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