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Mar 28, 2012


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Tuesday Miles

I jumped at the chance to send a letter, but I also feel those who fish for there living, has the right to do so also. I thnk what happens is the nets are lost, most likely from an whale being tangled in it, which is wrong for the GillNet Fishery;s to not be accountable for the safety of endangered Ocean wildlife.

My suggestions I added to the letter was to create a law which the nets must have a serial number given to each one, and then a registration number assigned to each net. If a net was left out and not check to see if any wildlife was entangled, and ( Example ) it was found wrapped around a whale, the Fishery who owes it would be fined, imposing a heavy fine. The nets are regulated and checked making sure the Fisherys are keeping a better patrol of them. If the Fisherys lost a net it needs to be reported. There must be a way for all involved to at least take into consideration whats at stake here, our Ocean Wildlife.

Tuesday Miles
Long Beach Ca.

A Facebook User

This is exactly why I am producing the sequel to the award winning film In The Wake Of Giants called Northern Wake. If you're interested in the film based in Alaska to be shot this summer check out the kickstarter page (with permission of Pete Thomas of course) at http://tinyurl.com/7wukqe9

I appreciate it if you can help get the word out!

ou Douros
Kickstarter for Northern Wake: http://tinyurl.com/7wukqe9

Teri Shore

The California drift gillnet fishery captured and killed two sperm whales in 2010. Even so, federal fishery managers want to expand the drift gillnet fishery along the California coast. In addition to whales, it captures and kills sea turtles, dolphins, seals, sea lions, sunfish, sharks, bluefin tuna and many other marine species while targeting swordfish. If you oppose this fishery, send an email letter to fishery regulators at http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/1723/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=9671

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