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Oct 17, 2011


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the guy didn't do anything wrong , at least what I could see at this movie. from other side, it's really amazing to see this beautiful whale and especially to see how close they are.



There seems to be this misplaced notion held by some that human beings that enjoy the natural world have some affirmative duty to, what, avoid an "experience" with a whale, bear or other majestic creature lest they "disturb" them in their struggle for survival. That is just nonsense. There is nothing quite like sharing space with a powerful animal and when someone captures such a chance encounter on video, I am jealous but appreciative. If anything, these sad folks are just usually displacing their aggression on others that are living their dreams.

Just this: there is a clear distinction between putting yourself in danger when kayaking around whales or fly-fishing in Alaska among Brown bears and, say, selfishly keeping a Bengal tiger on your property, i.e., thereby creating a foreseeable hazard to others and, ultimately to the tiger, if and when it attacks a human being as the opportunity allows and its instincts direct.

When I read people's extremely negative reactions to people seeking out exhilarating experiences such as this (or White shark cage diving), it makes me wonder if they just don't believe there is any good in humanity, and hence they deify animals, as if, in the end, they are somehow "better" than us and we should apologetically skulk away.

Nonsense, I say.

"Thy love afar is spite at home." - Emerson


@Sedagive - Give me a break. You try to sound like an ultra-compassionate nature lover but you just come off sounding ultra-unintelligent. The guy was in a kayak, not a schooner with a harpoon. If anything, his video reminds me of just how majestic the blue whale is.


Give it a rest, Sedagive. You enjoyed the video -- a perspective few ever even see on the TV screen, let alone in person. While some (few) nations are still killing whales (including the US, unfortunately) and corporations like SeaWorld and the Miami Seaquarium hold them captive, it's ridiculous to hope the guy gets arrested for paddling near a whale in the wild. Unlike a powerboat with a prop that can hurt the whale, he was the only one at risk. Moreover, they may be gigantic, but they're well aware of their power, and their wisdom trumps our own, so... let it be.


I hope this guy gets arrested. It's illegal for boats AND paddleboards AND kayaks to be that close. Very stupid move.


Talk about up close and personal...Apparently this guy has been out there with the whales and getting quite comfortable around them. That's an amazing encounter, but not one that I'll be duplicating any time soon. If whales possess human-like intelligence, they may also exhibit human-like weaknesses, like being a klutz. You may not know which one is the klutz until it's too late. Avoiding whales named "Lennie" ("Of Mice and Men") might be a good start. ;-)

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