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Jun 02, 2011


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It's amazing how little the average person knows about sharks. You probably drive your car everyday which is far more dangerous than being in the water where sharks live. Check out the international shark attack files and see how little deaths there are. Them check the murder s that have happened in your country that year. Pretty humbling.

Adventure Racing

Those two sharks just screw up their food, definitely those sharks wasn't that selfish they left you half. Half for them half for you two. Does that sounds fair enough? :D


Um, Basking sharks eat plankton. So unless you are plankton, you don't have to worry about a Basking shark.

Is it me or does this post remind anyone else of "The Old Man and the Sea"????


OK and after seeing that nobody is concerned about the 25 footer that washed up in the Hamptons? Basking Shark maybe? Sorry I just read Megladon Lives by Flash Rex and I'm freaked!

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