Two adult bald eagles and their three chicks, who have been admired by millions via web-cam since the eggs hatched in early April in Decorah, Iowa, are contending with heavy snow that covered the nest overnight.
But fans of this real-life nature reality show should not become too concerned. "Those birds are very prepared for this type of thing and will handle it with more ease and grace than the many people who have become addicted to watching them," said Ann Hobbs, a spokeswoman for the Cornell University Lab of Ornithology.
Streaming live footage (below) has been unavailable at times Tuesday because snow has covered the camera lens, but during breaks in the weather clear footage has revealed both adult eagles half-buried in snow and shaking snow from their feathers. The mother has appeared to be sitting on the three eaglets in an attempt to keep them warm.
The situation apparently has resulted in a flood of calls to the Raptor Resource Project, which installed the Eagle Cam. Bob Anderson, director of the project, has not answered calls or emails and the project website has been down much of Tuesday, perhaps overwhelmed by potential visitors.
More than 43 million people have watched the Eagle Cam since the eggs hatched between April 2-6. More than 70,000 were watching at a given moment during daylight hours Monday and early Tuesday.
Hobbs said bald eagles contend with late-season snow quite often throughout some of the colder regions within their vast range, such as Alaska. She added that the mother, whose feathers trap air that is warmed by her body heat, will sit on the chicks for as long as it takes while the father will continue to hunt for food.
"There really is no reason for concern," Hobbs said. "Those chicks are toasty-warm beneath their mother."
To Bob and all those that bring this wonderful experience to all of us, it opens up another world to all of us. I love all animals, but watching the Eagles and all they go through before and after they lay there eggs is something I was not aware of, I feel blessed to be able to share this experience. I have such respect for them how they care for there young, there so gentle with them and caring, so watchful. It gives a new meaning to We are all one.
Posted by: Cathy | Feb 25, 2012 at 04:27 PM
I cannot thank Bob Anderson enough for the enjoyment the Decorha Eagle family has brought to me.Never in my life time would i ever think I could see such a beautiful sight of Nature. This has been a blessing. I am a 63 year old lady, and this is something I would never have dream of seeing. Wish my dad could have been so lucky, he loved birds, most of all Eagles.
God blees you all,
Dana Sutcliffe
Posted by: Dana Sutcliffe | May 29, 2011 at 08:12 PM
realmente esta posibilidad de las web cam, para ver estos aguiluchos es maravilloso, vivo en argentina y me apasiona todo lo relacionado a la naturaleza, esto lo estoy viendo desde los huevitos hasta el dia de hoy, estoy ansiosa por saber cuanto mas les falta para que vuelen, tambien me gustaria saber , si vuelven al nido
Posted by: mabel alvarez | May 11, 2011 at 04:35 PM
Thank you (again) Pete! I could just see two eaglets when I tuned in as soon as I got home from work (well, I walked my dawgs first!). Was concerned that one toppled off the nest after I read your last writing on eagles.
Posted by: Carole | Apr 20, 2011 at 05:23 PM
They're still there and they all look OK to me.
Posted by: Pete Thomas | Apr 20, 2011 at 04:53 PM
Did we lose a baby?
Posted by: Carole | Apr 20, 2011 at 04:31 PM
Thank you so much for update and your insight. It is encouraging that these parents have "been there done that" before and they really do know what they are doing in raising these little ones. It is as if they knew yesterday that this weather was coming making sure the eaglets had plenty to eat and fortifying the nest. They are really amazing creatures and it has been a wonderful experience being able to watch them raise their babies. Thanks to the RPR for giving us all an opportunity to witness this.
Posted by: Claudia Brown | Apr 19, 2011 at 04:08 PM
This pair of parents have successfully raised 8 previous chicks- 3 in 2009, 3 in 2008 and 2 in 2007. The male's former mate died and he is the younger female's first mate.
Posted by: Jane | Apr 19, 2011 at 01:04 PM
Thank you for the update on the Decorah eagles. The ustream chat room moderators are being very kind to give us occasional updates, but your quoting of other experts is a bit reassuring. The chicks are quite big now, and it's a wonder that they can fit under a parent! In our heads, we know that wild creatures have learned to cope with bad weather conditions and keep their young safe, but in our hearts we are so connected to them that it is sometimes difficult to watch nature have its way with them.
Posted by: MP | Apr 19, 2011 at 10:31 AM
I'm glad this article was posted. I was wondering how the eagles were doing. I mean, I know they're wild animals and used to this sort of weather but it's nice to be reassured by an expert.
Posted by: Kooly | Apr 19, 2011 at 10:29 AM
The past eaglets of these two what was the survival rate ie. taking flight for the first time and survival of the smallest one in the nest. Do you keep track of the ones that do survive or do they leave the area? Would love to know all this .
Posted by: Lorraine Ostroski | Apr 19, 2011 at 09:36 AM