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Mar 09, 2011


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Office 2007

the boat where from people out of

Ken Kurtis


"Way cool", "amazing", "OMG" all do not even begin to describe this. Now if only they'd let us dive with them . . .

Ken Kurtis
Owner, Reef Seekers Dive Co.
Beverely Hills, CA


I will have some good video soon, some I saw on the boat where from people out of town and they will send me their video asap! I have about 9-11 emails from people who had good video! I will keep you posted!

Pete Thomas

There's video on the Harbor Breeze Cruises Facebook profile. You don't get a great view but it's of nine sperm whales swimming very close together.


Jeff, do you have any video to post?


I was out on the Christopher, I work at the Aquarium! I have people sending me the video and will post when I receive them! It was truly an amazing sight! Their were about 9 that stayed right in front of the bow for about 15 minutes before each individually dived! Awesome!!!!!

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