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Feb 14, 2011


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potty training a puppy

So sad story....Dogs are a faithful friend...they deserve to live long.

Lucy Shelton

This is so very sad,--no dog should die! No musher in the Quest has all 14 dogs they started out with on February 5th,-- 4, 5 and even 6 dogs have been dropped so far by certain mushers and the race continues. They are dropped due to exhaustion, injuries, or illness.

The Yukon Quest and the Iditarod sled dog races are too long, and the conditions and terrain too grueling for the dogs. These dogs are among the best-conditioned dogs in the world due to their training year-round, yet many of the dogs do not make it to the finish line. There are laws in at least 38 US states against "over-driving" and "over-working" animals, which is exactly what these races do.

These dog-killer races are cruel, inhumane, and must stop!

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