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Sep 13, 2010


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The root problem is that human population growth is out of control and will lead to unsustainable results.

Danny DeMichele Entrepreneur

Humans are the greatest danger and threat to other species, to ourselves and to the planet. Thank for for sharing this amazing experience.


This is by far the MOST beautiful video I have ever seen about sharks. PETROS PETRIDIS from beautiful GREECE


This is by far the most beautiful video I have ever seen about sharks.

Marc Duquette

Nice stuff...I just added Pete to Scribnia. Check this: http://www.scribnia.com/writers/pete-thomas


This is awesome. This is like the Charge of the 600 only it's sharks. However this is no suicidal mission but the coexistence of animal & man.

Andrea Ring

My God....this is so beautiful. This is how our interactions with the creatures of this planet should be. We can co exist in peace and harmony and respect. Humans are the greatest danger and threat to other species, to ourselves and to the planet. Thank for for sharing this amazing experience.


good work; animals are no tools or creatures living for the use & convenience of man

Mudassir Khan

This is an amazing video featuring an amazing person handling these magnificent animals. I live half way across the world, in Pakistan yet, I am so impressed by Cristina's work and by the environment that you have in Bahamas. Its a true treasure, and if it can impress people half way across the world, just think about how much potential it has in terms of business if this treasure is preserved and is well cared for ... it would be sad if all this gets destroyed because of a bowl of soup. Just my genuine thoughts.

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